Collective Compulsion

A Poem inspired by and intended to accompany the photographic editorial by the same name.

April 1, 2022 1:01 am

The topic of this poem is social media, and more specifically some of the negative influences

and effects of social media on society and how they manifest themselves on social media.






Feeding us to survive while eating us alive, Like a sick serpent ingesting its tail, encircling the most unsocial of medias.

This reptilian masochism is Pavlovian in nature;

We’re all bound by the seduction of the bite,

and intoxicated by the potency of the venom…dependency is inevitable.



*Click Bait* Think Wait…



Wanna learn ten weird tricks and one pro tip for the pro pre-teens?

Know this: These premeditated platforms discourage more than unwanted belly growth;

Personal, professional and spiritual progression in fact/are set back/then sent back for further development and more enabling behavioral and emotional deformities.



Forming misshapen and deluded perceptions of self, others and reality.

Highly perishable veritable virtual worlds inhabited by walking talking human highlight reels.

Fabricated celebrity and unaccredited experts educate the ignorant while devoid of any integrity. Performing with false confidence for phony circumstance; masked long before Covid and since been deeply desensitized.



Log in, sign on, join live /

follow, watch, like, comment and subscribe.

These are our choices;

These are options that option our existence.

The selections that represent our personal interest and individual voices.



Our brains have been thoroughly washed, conditioned, rinsed, wind-blown and sun dried.

Replacing good nature with materialism, while carbon copies of the originals are multiplied for mass consumption world wide.

This premiere thought…this first consideration… is now second nature and three times as habitual.

The Final thought to self…the last inner monologue reads:” this sheep-ish cloned habit feels so organically natural.”



Doesn’t matter whether you swipe right or left to the bereft;

As long as you’re constantly and continually consuming for fuel/

The universal lap-fit, palm-sized view of a view / for you to judge what in turn now judges you.

It took us until 2021 to come out and identify as a catch 22…but who knew? “They “surely did.

And now we’re in need of real help, not yelp help but genuine guidance, To see ourselves and the world for what it really is.



These seemingly infinite I-galaxies

that we tote’n carry in our

YSL skinny jean pockets and Louis Vuitton purses;

Shackles us to our desires and deficiencies

Like our hearts, eyes and ears

to the ideas at the heart

of these heartfelt passions, visions and verses.”



With every new post potential for our insecurities to swell, swells.

Perusing the musings of new news of others comeuppances add fuel and flames to the fires in our existing self-made hells.

With every unreal reel uploaded and tailored story—

Comparisons of cropped, filtered and zoomed in tales of glory—

Are pirated then downloaded torrential torrents three fold to our soul.

Prolonging the propulsion, the endless field and volley that is our collective compulsion



Here’s the rest of the story



The Masochist Activist in you returns as you proudly pin your own Fenty covered third eye open

Freely subjecting your waking self to the self-reflection of the sustainable source of your own pain…

It’s unstoppable.



Braggadocios and boastful, counterfeit boss bitch attitudes on ten,

Influencers, foodies, Guru’s, skin care routines, challenges and trends.

Live streams and memes/ Scrolling/ trolling, reacting, check, re-check then check again,

Phantom notification/ random justifications…This addiction, this system, this language, this virus …born forlorn from the mighty and powerful internet continues to spread.



And in the meantime compassion’s been monetized.

Countless acts of kindness by the Kindest count less… if not documented and marketed right,

Then right-clicked or pinch-zoomed, posted, promoted and publicized by a privatized publicist.

Shy but not shy online…

just pop the lock or slide the bitcoin by design into their DM’s,

Because we can be whoever we want for a time… but until then…We may need a little help.



What’s really real? Not I says the fly.

On or offline/ home or front line/ we don’t really exist to exist anywhere or anyway besides appearing accidentally perfect.

Just by happenstance we happen pass the upgraded status of novice to flawless,

“waking up like this” full face make-up /no bags

revealing the oh so unappealing “not so humble”- humble brag.

Peering through like venetian blinds the cross hatched lines that precede the conceit and declaration wrapped in air quotes: “no filter”

To see that this is no psychological anomaly, this is common place because of this place/ a clinical case / but on the face / officially undiagnosed example of insecurity has filled her.



We definitely need a lot of help.




Invasion of privacy? Or concentration on convenience? Just ask me.

Include it in the terms and conditions and you can have all my info as long as you know it’s only for the anonymous masses to see/ not to be warehoused in the database of commercial retail companies…

I only let the unknown validate me.

Lost in the chaos of the compulsion are the sincere gestures, the genuine messages, the selfless intentions behind the helpful posts, timely quotes, motivational captions and informative instructional videos.

Sifting thru the indiscernible minutia in your chicken feed to figure out what’s destructive or constructive to you/

May not be worth the time or energy when your compulsion may be satisfied in just a fraction of the time/ by a quick tik tok /not on the clique’s clock, but a mini minute-snippet of a trending routine or meaningless challenge.

A challenge that makes us feel connected…

like we’re a part of something.

That we fit in…our lives do measure up;

Is the short-lived rush of dopamine and oxytocin worth the online harassment?

Is the surplus of emotionless “emoji’s and likes” worth the depression, anxiety and attachment?



Of course not but…



This weighted measure was rigged and tipped in favor of the unfavorable

This Institution–Mass Prostitution, known by many names to many and too many of those names to name and remain unnamable.

Spiritual commerce, the business of buying and selling souls; the price: “consideration,”

The universal currency: “likes, shares… engagement.”

But Buyers beware because you’ll get lost in the three card monty algorithmic shuffle of countless accounts if your content lacks engagement…but that’s not what being engaging meant.



And now we’re all “sponsored by” and inclusively including ads and paid promotions

Our identities scantily clad on the cyber strip everyday primping our look for the gram and the book, just to get pimped by our emotions.

Influencers influencing who? Few too many fellow followers following to support…

Others biding their time hiding behind bogus profiles with animosity to troll, compare, and hate.

And it’s all produced, generated… all of it, easy to fabricate.

Mistruths and manipulations/ an abused and misused tool, unregulated.

At its inception we thought it would advance and improve…our species collectively.

Were we naïve to believe? Cause now it seems we’re more divided, divisive and ill minded.

The new generations given the tall task of saving us

But born in a world where their best tool is also what’s been enslaving us.

Though the diagnosis of all the aforementioned negativity uncovered here may seem grim…we still trust all is not lost. / This compulsion is collective in every way so too recovery must be a shared cost.



Our compulsion has already taken our blood, sweat and many tears.

So we now look inwards to eagerly spread compassion outwards until our visions, hearts and minds are all clear.

Remaining equanimeous, we choose not to get carried away by what we carry each day.

What started as so lighthearted and harmless has evolved not weathered but darkened.

There’s much work to be done to carefully undo the harm from the inter-webs that’s been spun.

To shine a light on and deliver (along with entertainment) hope, community and humanity once again; Illuminating the paths that connect us, whether traditionally face to face or between screens at the corners of earths opposite ends.



By Kareem Quow 

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“The Eye”

A piece contemplating beauty

December 21, 2018 3:00 pm

Some of my more conceptual projects inspire written companion pieces; with that said… I offer this:






What is the dimensional difference that we’ve chosen to be measured by fictional witnesses?

Industry High-rise sized guides like business conference lanyards

Self-induced sequin couture loops/ looped, noose-like around drooped, goose-like necks

Next…suffocating the seventy percent …though left with a breath eye consider it death.


Causing every opinion to be one /brainwashed, rung out, hung out

and dehydrated in the rigid silhouette of the truth arranged by some others summation of their summer’s sun.

Hung high in disguise right in plain sight within Neapolitan chocolate strawberry and vanilla skies.


What is beauty to you?

Is it skin deep? Just a few layers above the soul? Dependent upon an aesthetic sight unseen but foretold?

Is it visible to the naked eye or hidden beneath the surfaces, given an artistic license yet deprived for commercial purposes?

That’s partly why we pull, push, and paint flesh in order to remedy societal threats

But we all possess an eye, it’s simply the interpretation of the vision that’s different.


So disqualify me not if my neck show no signs

of the same taut sequin couture looped lines that by yours may be reddish-ly defined.


Don’t consider me ineligible when the glow of my skin indicates proof of life.

Through my eye the truths and lies of life are beautiful,

whether the suppression of a button snatches your soul or immortalizes an idea of an even better one.

My vision remains both equal and valid even when my views don’t lie parallel with the larger proportion.

Defining then re-defining beauty beyond the confines of conformity, improper fractions of improper portions.


The sameness of sights and divisions of visions have no meaning without one another.

So your eye or mine whether clairvoyant or blind will always tell different parts of the same story

One of certainty and one of wonder.



By Kareem Quow


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“Patient 307”

Prognosis of a Conceptual Fashion Editorial

December 19, 2018 12:00 pm

So for my very first blog post I’ll be sharing the inspiration, concept, behind the scenes images, short film and some final images from the conceptual fashion editorial entitled: “Patient 307”

FYI  I’ve always been a huge fan of the original Twilight Zone television series. Every New Year’s Eve I look forward to their 24 hour marathon special religiously. It was one of the first shows to address societal issues using sci-fi, horror, and surprise endings to convey the message.

“Patient 307” is adapted from one of the most popular episodes of the series entitled “Eye of the Beholder” which aired in November of 1960 and was written by Rod Serling. In this episode, a “beautiful” woman in a futuristic society where everyone is hideous undergoes her 11th surgical attempt to look like everyone else. The message here is about society’s bias towards conformity, standardization, and majority rules. This episode highlights not only the non-acceptance of anything that challenges the norm, but the shunning of that anomaly.

In our experience, this ideal is still relevant today ; and we thought that translating the message from a live action television program to a conceptual fashion editorial medium would yield dynamic visual results. At the same time it would continue the conversation bringing more awareness to this issue as it relates to the beauty and fashion industry specifically and society as a whole,  at a time when this type of ideal is prevalent.

The Setting for Patient 307 took place at the Downtown Dental Center in Atlanta. It was the perfect location with several locations within a location to depict the different stages of the editorial. We had three main stages. One was “the operating room,” another “the corridor,” and lastly was “the nurses station” where we shot individual and group character portraits of the nurses.


Click the image below to check out a portion of the fashion editorial published with an article on fetish paraphernalia in fashion by Kimberly Haddid in the new SAGA issue of Basic Magazine titled  “Dark side of Fashion.”

DARK SIDE OF FASHION Basic Magazine Editorial


In our adaptation Patient 307,  played by Shalinda Clarke (of Salt Models),  undergoes a procedure in an attempt to assimilate her personal fashion style and natural look to that of what’s trending in the current fashion and beauty climate. However the truth of her personal style and natural beauty are so pure and dominant that the procedure is unsuccessful. Upon seeing her unchanged reflection in the mirror after the procedure she runs off hysterically as the attendants try to apprehend her… and this is where this segment ends…and our ideal reality begins. So prior to the procedure Patient 307 represent  individuals in society that have been conditioned to believe that assimilation/conformity is the ideal way of life. By the final frame of the fashion editorial Patient 307’s expression has transformed from despair to a quiet confidence now that she has been awakened. She embraces her individualism and finds comfort and freedom in knowing that she doesn’t need to measure herself to anyone’s standards but her own.

Check the short film that accompanies the editorial below:

PHOTOGRAPHY: Kareem Quow | MUA’s: Patrice Story, Seneca, and Jackie Lynch | HAIR: Brandy Andrews, Melody Hale and Latrina Godfrey | WARDROBE: Sieje Akime | MODELS: Shalinda Clarke courtesy of Salt Models, Clare Thompkins, Jade Patton, and Caitlin McCormick courtesy of Click ATL | CINEMATOGRAPHY:  Joe Teixeira | PRODUCTION ASST: Chynna Teixeira

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